This morning I woke up to 127.2, which is exactly a pound less than I went to bed with.
Unfortunately, I blew it.
My mom and I originally set out to have breakfast this morning, but the place we wanted to go to was closed, due to it being Memorial day and all. So we ended up just getting some AMAZING coffee at this local place. It was seriously SO good. Then we walked around the outlets for awhile and I got some cute clothes for super good prices.
And then we went to lunch. And long story short, it was disgusting the amount I ate.
On a side note, this summer is shaping up to be pretty busy, which is always good for weight loss. I'll be my cousin's chauffeur on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays because my Uncle is traveling a lot and my Aunt has two other kids. This kid's schedule is freaking crazy, man. He's got practice every damn day and two games back to back almost every other day. That's ridiculous. So I'll bus him back and forth, feed him and make sure he's got all his stuff. And my aunt will pay me. Which is awesome. Put that on top of all my other summer plans and I'm pretty much never going to need to be accountable to food.
I'm still keeping my goal of wanting to be at 125 by Thursday, and that looks pretty doable. Tomorrow I'm headed to yoga with my best friend and then Elitches with her, S and this adorable guy, O. I haven't really gotten to chill with O since middle school so I'm really excited to see him again. Yay!
Love y'all
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