Today was incredible. I so rarely have good days that when they do come around, I try to enjoy them as fully and completely as I can. My sleep schedule is pretty much fucked from an entire summer of going to bed at 4am and waking up at 1pm lol so when I got up this morning on like, two hours of sleep, it took me awhile to be able to function bwahaha. I was so fucking nervous when I first got to school because I had no idea how chillin with 15 freshies would go, but the minute I got there, I automatically saw Isaac who I hung out with for a minute before I went inside and then when I got into the school, I immediately fell into hanging out with Daniel and Andrew, two incredibly cool kids that I know from various classes last year. Then Lauren arrived, and finally Salam so I had people to sit with that I felt more comfortable with. We debriefed and then the Freshman started pouring into the gym. We did a few activities as one big group and then we split off into our little groups. I ended up with 14 kids total because one didn't show (more on that later) and although it was a little awkward and I talked too fast, no one was mean or rude or unhelpful. They all did the activities I had for them and participated and they kinda all made friends with each other immediately which was super nice. Then we went on a tour and they all asked good questions. I seriously could NOT have asked for better kids. I adore them. So after that, they had to go to an assembly and I was chilling with Sami, Anna, Salam and Lauren on the side, while joking and laughing with Jordan and his friend who I don't really like because he brags about cheating on his girlfriend and is a compulsive liar, but he was funny and gave me a hug because I made him laugh and he said that made his day. I ate lunch with Jared, Brighid, Nick and Odessey and said hi to Tianna. We got yelled at by campus security for being outside but whatever. And then I said bye to them and hung with this kid Asher, Lauren, Salam, Andrew and Daniel again, just helping freshman get to their classes and wasting time with songs and dances and jokes when they were in their 20 minute classes. We all had such a freaking great time. I really love them all. So, I mentioned before that one girl didn't show up who was supposed to and her mom called me and kept asking if "Spring belonged to Rangeview" and she was in the data base so I told her mom yes and then later on it hit me that maybe her mom was trying to ask me if Spring was actually here so I promptly called her back and told her that no, I hadn't seen Spring all day. She then started yelling at me to have Rangeview's services call her right now so I went and found my favorite counselor, Mrs. Linear and told her my problem and she apologized to me because I got yelled at, which yeah, upset me, but she didn't need to apologize for it. And then later on, at the Leader debrief, I got a high five from Melendez, my favorite teacher ever (I've got a lot of those lol) for handling the tough situation really professionally. And Linear told everyone that I had had a sticky situation but that I really showed what it meant to be a Link Leader by handling it maturely and responsibly. That made me really really happy. An ex-team person even came over and thanked me and shook my hand. I was like wuuuut this is awesome. And I texted all my freshies to get feedback and ask if there was anything they needed help with and what I could do to make their second day good as well, and one of them told me that I helped them feel like part of the Raider family. And then I got to go to play practice and see Nick, T.R, Beth, Emily and Chelsea and even though Beth is a total slave driver, it was fun. So all in all it was a really fucking great day and tomorrow I get to meet all my teachers and see who all are in my classes. I'm really excited to start the day! And I get to work out with Natalie after school! (: Sorry this was long and not really about anything, I just had to share.
And here's me, reppin' for the freshman!

Much love to everyone <3 -Lee
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